In this episode of the Profit First for Lawyers podcast, host Karli Royer interviews Delisi Friday, Chief of Staff for RJon Robins. We first heard from Delisi in episode eight when she revealed this podcast to RJon at the LQM event. Now listeners and viewers have the opportunity to officially meet Delisi Friday.

Delisi shares how an unexpected call from a headhunter led to her becoming RJon’s Chief of Staff. She describes her role and emphasizes the importance of concise communication, trusting in the capabilities of team members, and maximizing her time to be most effective.

Advice from RJon:

Delisi highlights RJon’s best advice to her – always consider if a task is the highest and best use of your time. She explains how RJon reminds her to focus on her unique abilities, delegate when appropriate, and not get bogged down in work others can do.

Key Takeaways from Delisi:

  • To communicate efficiently with busy executives (like RJon Robins) – be clear, concise, and come prepared with recommendations.
  • Embrace procrastination when needed – some tasks are best done when you’re in the right headspace to excel.
  • Foster an exceptional team by trusting in their abilities and giving them the space to excel in their roles.

RJon in the Studio:

Each member of Team RJon brings a clip from either a coaching session or the audiobook recording of Profit First For Lawyers. In this episode, Delisi chose a coaching session clip where RJon ties procrastination tendencies to favorite ice cream flavors. Noting strawberry lovers cram everything in at the last minute, while mint lovers work steadily. RJon’s message – work in your style, just get the outcome.

Team RJon Surprise:

In a call with Team RJon, Delisi surprises them with the results of the early success in pre-orders of Profit First for Lawyers. Will there be a “biggest bonus” for Team RJon? Listen in to find out. 

Order Your Book:

In addition to subscribing to the podcast and watching episodes on YouTube, be sure to order your copy of the Profit First For Lawyers book on Amazon today Your future self will thank you!