Welcome to the Profit First For Lawyers Podcast. In this inaugural episode, you’ll hear a clip from the first chapter of RJon’s book, Profit First for Lawyers, discussing why a book like this might make you mad. After all, it’s supposed to help you, right?

To help answer that question, we’re getting a glimpse into one of RJon’s Mastermind Sessions during a week where they covered the question “Why Are You Afraid of Profit?” RJon discusses the many ways we subconsciously sabotage our ability to be more profitable in our work and in our life.

Visit our website: https://ProfitFirstForLawyers.com to order your copy of the Profit First For Lawyers book. You’ll get even more of RJon’s insight and actionable steps to put your profit first.

Excerpt from the Profit First For Lawyers book:

You Can Take the First Step Now

If you implement the teachings in this book, one day not long from now, you will wake-up to find that you are taking more profits from your law firm:

  • Without having to do any more marketing or any more clients than your law firm already serves – though you may find the confidence you’ve been looking for to decline some of your firm’s less desirable clients;
  • Without having to hire more staff – though you may have to replace some current staff & vendors when you when you read chapter X; and
  • Without having to increase overhead.

Are you ready?

The Profit First for Lawyers podcast is hosted by Team RJon as part of a stealth launch of the Profit First For Lawyers book. Learn more about RJon Robins by visiting https://rjonrobins.com